Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Your own raft

In Huckleberry, Mark Twains rights about the raft that Jim and Huck share as this Utopia where everything is at peace and life is great. Life on land is chaotic and perplexing, but on the raft, floating down the river everything makes sense. I found this very interesting because it got me to thinking that pretty much everybody has their own place much like the raft. A place where somebody can just be theirself and calm everything down for a while. As teenagers, many things get us flustered, so it is important to have such a place. For me, there is nothing better than sitting in my room, listening to music, starring at the posters on my wall and reflecting on my past 24 hours. Plastered all over the walls of my room is album artwork and posters of my favorite bands. Perhaps Huck wouldn't like Foo Fighters if he were around today, but I can guess that being in nature is just as calming for Huck as being in my room is for me.

1 comment:

Adam said...

It seems like we all have a safe-haven or a raft. At first I went strait to my room, then I started to think about other places where I feel peaceful and comfortable. Iencourage you to take a good look at the areas around you. Eventually, you may discover places you enjoy that were never even on your radar. For me, there is nothing better than sitting on my couch with a super chocolate bear, sipping a room-temp apple tini, chilling with my stuffed dog, and watching Sanford and Sons.