Sunday, October 26, 2008

What If?

As Election day comes closer and closer I find myself wondering what our country will be like after the new president is decided. There has been so much hype that Obama will ride in on his white horse and save the country from all of its problems, but what if he doesn't? What if hes not the right man for the job and McCain is the better candidate. My biggest problem is that I just don't know for sure. People say that four years with McCain will be like another four years with GW, but what if it isn't. What if McCain knows exactly what to do and will help our country flourish. In my household I have both prespectives being thrown in my face all day long. My Father is a very dedicated republican and he has already voted for McCain, whereas my Mother is very much a democrate and she cannot wait to see Obama in office. I have had lengthy discussions with both of them and both arguments have valid points. As far as my family goes, financially we would probably benefit from having McCain in office because he will not tax the upper class, but as far as the welfare of our entire country goes we would probably benefit from Obama. The more I think about it the more I just don't know and the not knowing is quite irritating. Therefore, I am kind of glad that I am not old enough to vote because if I was I would not be sure that I made the right decision.

1 comment:

S. Bolos said...


Welcome back to Wilmette – I hope this first quarter has been a largely smooth transition for you. I really like this post about The Choice and how you critically examine the charges being hurled by both sides. You’re right, an Obama victory will probably not be a romantic rescue operation, and a McCain victory will not be four years of more of the same.

But the fact that your parents seem to believe this and so do most partisan Americans, consider what this says about Americans’ expectations of the federal government? Meaning, are we expecting them to do too much in order to solve our problems? Consider how many people vote for president versus the paltry numbers who vote for village board. Which government body has more influence over their daily lives?