Sunday, October 26, 2008

What If?

As Election day comes closer and closer I find myself wondering what our country will be like after the new president is decided. There has been so much hype that Obama will ride in on his white horse and save the country from all of its problems, but what if he doesn't? What if hes not the right man for the job and McCain is the better candidate. My biggest problem is that I just don't know for sure. People say that four years with McCain will be like another four years with GW, but what if it isn't. What if McCain knows exactly what to do and will help our country flourish. In my household I have both prespectives being thrown in my face all day long. My Father is a very dedicated republican and he has already voted for McCain, whereas my Mother is very much a democrate and she cannot wait to see Obama in office. I have had lengthy discussions with both of them and both arguments have valid points. As far as my family goes, financially we would probably benefit from having McCain in office because he will not tax the upper class, but as far as the welfare of our entire country goes we would probably benefit from Obama. The more I think about it the more I just don't know and the not knowing is quite irritating. Therefore, I am kind of glad that I am not old enough to vote because if I was I would not be sure that I made the right decision.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

This weekend I was very excited to watch Saturday Night Live because I had heard that the Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was going to appear on the show. It was funny however I was expecting a little more. On two occasions she was supposed to actually do something (a character or a song) in a sketch, but right before the skit she would say, "I was going to but i decided against it for the good of my campaign." It was still funny watching Tina Fey do another impression of the Alaskan Governor, nicknamed Caribou Barbie, and Amy Poehler's rap was hilarious, nonetheless I felt a little short changed. I was looking forward to seeing such a composed individual be really goofy for once, but it never really happened. So I got to thinking; was she originally going to be very silly in these sketches and changed at the last minute or was it her intention all along to be somewhat serious? I guess that when you are running for office you can never be too serious.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Long Weekend

When I first came back to new trier and was told that we had an upcoming 5 day weekend I was pretty excited. At my old school we would never have holidays like Yam Kippur or Columbus day off . Instead we would just extend our Christmas break and spring break, which in some ways I guess is better, but there is nothing like having a shortened work week. There is nothing like having a Wednesday feel like a Friday or waking up Monday morning to the sound of your alarm going off, which I forgot to deactivate, and knowing that you can just turn it off and go back to bed. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, so as I am writing this on Monday night and getting ready to go back to school after our long long weekend I am looking back on all the fun I had. All of the relaxing times watching movies with my brother who recently came back from college and all of the intense ping pong games, which I played far too many of. All in all it is very nice to have a little break from time to time.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


As I step foot into the main hall of New Trier and see the para-pros for the first time in two years it can only be describes as surreal. When I left New Trier after freshman year to go to boarding school In Connecticut I never thought that I would come back. I assumed that I would have so much fun at school that I wouldn't miss my family and my friends that much. I was so jazzed up at the idea of living away from home in a different state and starting a new chapter of my life that I completely forgot that I love living in Wilmette. I love everything about it. I love my house and my family and my friends. I love waking up on a Sunday morning and driving down to Sarkis so that I can take down a plate full of Lorettas and cheesy hash just so that I can get sick and pass out 15 minutes later because that food just sits in your stomach like a rock. There was so much about the north shore that I missed that it seemed quite obvious that the only smart coarse of action would be to come home. However, after being away for so long I have forgotten many of the subtleties of going to such a huge school like New Trier. During my free period when I attempted to get some work done in the library, I was perplexed when the librarian notified me that there was not a single place available in the entire library that I could do my homework. So I'm sure that there will be a few more speed bumps along the way of my complete transition into New Trier, but I know that it will all be worth it. It's good to be home.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Test Post

This is my first post